Featured Scholarship

Featured Scholarship from 2024

Featured Scholarship from 2023

Misunderstanding of online customer behavior leads to retailers’ unsuccessful application of digital marketing. Dr. Azemi tries to decode the behavior of online customers through research that enhances knowledge in the contemporary field of marketing and supports practitioners’ application of marketing techniques. For instance, her recently published co-authored article titled “How does retargeting work for different Gen Z mobile users? Customer expectations and evaluations of retargeting via the expectancy-theory lens explores mobile retargeting and consumer purchasing decisions. This article presents a framework that showcases usage of retargeting that leads to customer purchasing on the second round of retargeted advertisements. Dr. Azemi has published numerous articles in highly ranked journals such as Psychology & Marketing, and Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. You can find some of her research articles here: 

Featured Scholarship from 2022

Do you fondly remember a field trip you took in elementary school? Although field trips in college may be less frequent, they are no less memorable, and research illustrates that field trips in college can have positive impacts on student learning. IASS Vice President Melissa Stacer (University of Southern Indiana) and IASS President Monica Solinas-Saunders (Indiana University Northwest) recently published the final of four peer-reviewed articles examining the impact of field trips in criminal justice education. Their work examined the impact of taking undergraduate students on tours of correctional facilities, finding that such field trips improved student perceptions of correctional officers (Stacer et al., 2017), generally increased student interest in corrections careers (Stacer et al., 2019), allowed students to question their assumptions about inmates and the correctional environment (Stacer et al., 2020), and illustrated how students’ perceptions of corrections were shaped by the media (Stacer et al., 2022). Their research highlights the importance of carefully planning and preparing students to go on field trips as well as the necessity of post-field trip reflections and discussion in order to maximize the connections between the field trip and the curriculum. Longer term experiential learning such as internships or service learning may be inaccessible to some students; this work by Stacer and Solinas-Saunders illustrates that even short-term field trips such as a tour of a jail or prison can have important impacts on student learning. You can find copies of these articles below:

Featured Scholarship from 2021

Dr. Selena Sanderfer Doss, Associate Professor of History at Western Kentucky University and a board member of the Academy published a paper titled, "Looking for Better: A History of Black Southern Migration" in the Midwest Social Sciences Journal

Her paper is a broad overview of migrations affecting black southerners, including the Atlantic slave trade, the domestic slave trade, colonization movements to Sierra Leone and Liberia, the Exoduster movement, the Great Migration, and the Return South migration.