Past Meetings

2024 Annual Meeting (University of Southern Indiana): The 95th annual meeting was hosted by the University of Southern Indiana on Friday, October 4, 2024. The keynote speaker was Dr. Margath Walker, Professor of Geography and Geosciences from the University of Louisville.

2023 Annual Meeting (Indiana University Kokomo): The 94th annual meeting was hosted by IU Kokomo on Friday, October 6, 2023. The keynote speaker was Dr. Justin R. Garcia, Executive Director and Senior Scientist of the Kinsey Institute and Ruth N. Halls Professor of Gender Studies at Indiana University. View the program here

2022 Annual Meeting (Indiana University Northwest): The 93rd annual meeting was hosted by IU Northwest on Friday, October 7, 2022. The keynote speaker was Dr. Omar McRoberts, Associate Professor of Sociology from The University of Chicago. His interests are in the sociology of religion, urban sociology, urban poverty, race, and collective action. He published Streets of Glory: Church and Community in a Black Urban Neighborhood in 2004. The book explains the high concentration, wide variety, and ambiguous social impact of religious activity in the neighborhood. It won the 2005 Distinguished Book Award from the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. 

2021 Annual Meeting (Beyond Boundaries, Indiana University): You can watch recorded presentations here.

2020 Annual Meeting (Anderson University): Cancelled due to COVID-19 Pandemic

2019 Annual Meeting (Valparaiso University): Dr. Christina Wolbrecht is a professor of political science, director of the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy, and C. Robert and Margaret Hanley Family Director of the Notre Dame Washington Program. She is the co-author, with J. Kevin Corder, of Counting Women's Ballots: Female Voters from Suffrage through the New Deal (Cambridge, 2016), which uses new data and novel methods to provide insight into whether, how, and with what consequences women cast their ballots in the first five presidential elections following suffrage. She also is the author of The Politics of Women's Rights: Parties, Positions, and Change (Princeton, 2000), which received the 2001 Leon D. Epstein Outstanding Book Award from the Political Organizations and Parties Section of the APSA.

Dr. Wolbrecht has authored or co-authored articles on such topics as women as political role models, the representation of women, and partisan position-taking on education policy, and co-edited books on the American political parties, women as political actors, and democratic inclusion. She is currently co-authoring a book, A Century of Votes for Women, which examines the first 100 years of women as voters in American politics.

2018 Annual Meeting (Indiana University Southeast): The 89th annual meeting was hosted by IU Southeast on October 12, 2018. The keynote speaker was Lee H. Hamilton, one of the nation’s foremost experts on Congress and representative democracy. Hamilton founded the Center on Congress at Indiana University in 1999 and served as its Director until 2015; after serving in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he represented Indiana from 1965-1999. He also served as President and Director of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., from 1999-2010. He is a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom (2015).

2017 Annual Meeting (Wabash College): The 88th annual meeting was hosted by Wabash College on October 13, 2017. The keynote speaker was Dr. Stephen Morillo, who is a professor of history and the Eugene N. & Marian C. Beesley Chair at Wabash College. Dr. Morillo regularly teaches both halves of the introductory world history survey, History 101 and 102, for which he has written his own world history textbook, Frameworks of World History (Oxford University Press, 2014). He has also taught both of the History Department’s capstone courses, History 497 and 498, as well as intermediate level courses and upper level seminars on a wide variety of topics including world military history, maritime history, medieval Japan, and others. He is a Rhodes Scholar and received his DPhil from Jesus College, Oxford University in 1985, and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College in 1980.

2016 Annual Meeting (Purdue University Northwest): The 87th annual meeting was held at Purdue University Northwest, IN, USA, on October 7, 2016. The keynote speaker was Justice Robert D. Rucker of the Indiana Supreme Court. He graduate of Indiana University and the Valparaiso University School of Law, Justice Rucker was appointed to the Indiana Supreme Court in 1999. Since then he has authored over 225 majority opinions along with 97 concurring and dissenting opinions.

2015 Annual meeting (University of Evansville): The 86th annual meeting was held at the University of Evansville, IN, USA, on October 9, 2015. The keynote speaker was Professor Kosali Simon. Prof. Simon is a specialist in the economics of health insurance and policy in Indiana University, Bloomington. 

2014 Annual Meeting (Anderson University): The 85th annual conference was held at Anderson University, IN, USA, on October 10, 2014. The keynote speaker was David Campbell is Professor of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame and the founding director of the Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy.

2013 Annual Meeting (Ball State University): The 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy provided a great opportunity for social scientists to interact and share their research. The keynote speaker was Dr. Brian Powell, James H. Rudy Professor and Vice President of the American Sociological Association 2013-2014, Co-Director of the Preparing Future Faculty Program, Department of Sociology, Indiana University

2012 Annual Meeting (Indiana University Northwest): Over 75 papers were presented and/or participated in 19 discipline-specific and interdisciplinary sessions.  This last year’s meeting drew scholars from across the state and, for the first time, presenters from other countries including Iran (via web-conference), Canada, India, and Turkey.  Paper presentations from budding social scientists, both undergraduate and graduate students, were also well received.

2011 Annual Meeting (Valparaiso University): Dr. Valentine Mogadham, Professor of Sociology and Director of Women's Studies, Purdue University. Professor Moghadam has made significant contributions to research in pertaining to issues of social change and gender dynamics in a globalizing world in the Middle East, North Africa and Afghanistan. She is a well published author and her third book Globalizing Women: Transnational Feminist Networks received the American Political Science Association’s Victoria Schuck Award for the Best Book on Women and Politics in 2005. She is a founding member and past president of the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies and a founding contributor to the Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies. From 2004-2006 she served as Chief of the Section on Gender Equality and Development in the Social and Human Sciences Sector of UNESCO, in Paris, France.

2010 Annual Meeting (University of Indianapolis): James B. Dworkin, Ph.D., Chancellor, Purdue University North Central. “Evolving Labor Markets – Impacts on Indiana and Beyond” 


2009 Annual Meeting (DePauw University): Dr. Dave Mason, Professor of Political Science, Butler University. Professor Mason is the author of the widely acclaimed book The End of American Century. He will discuss the theme of his book and autograph copies of his book.
2008 Annual Meeting (Indiana University Southeast): Dr. Denise Travis, Professor of Social Work, Indiana University Northwest. Professor Travis' talk was entitled "A Response to Senator Barack Obama's Philadelphia Speech on the Impact of the Politicization of Race in America."
2007 Annual Meeting (Purdue University North Central): Dr. Randy Mills, Oakland City University. Professor Mills of Oakland City University received the 2006 IASS George C. Roberts Award with his co-author Stephen Bottoms for their paper, Are You a Communist: 1948 Evansville, Indiana, Bucyrus Erie Strike. His talk is entitled, "It is the Most Wonderful Thing: Research and Writing Opportunities in Your Own Back Yard."
2006 Annual Meeting (Indiana University Northwest): Dr. Sandra L. Barnes, Purdue University. Professor Barnes of Purdue University recently published the book, The Cost of Being Poor: A Comparative Study of Life in Poor Urban Neighborhoods in Gary, Indiana. Dr. Richard Pierce, University of Notre Dame. Professor Pierce of the University of Notre Dame recently published,  Polite Protest: The Political Economy of Race in Indianapolis, 1920-1970, by Indiana University Press.
2005 Annual Meeting (Indiana State University): Miles Patterson, University of Missouri - St. Louis. Professor Miles Patterson was the guest speaker at the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences Annual Meeting in Terre Haute on October 21, 2005. His address was entitled "Beyond Words: The Power of Non-Verbal Communication."  The meeting was hosted by Indiana State University and St. Mary of the Woods College.  Thirty-seven papers were delivered at the meeting.
2004 Annual Meeting (Butler University): Ken Falk , Chief Litigator for the Indiana Civil Liberties Union. Ken Falk, spoke at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Academy at Butler University on October 15.  His address was entitled "Order and Freedom in a Post 9-11 World."
2003 Annual Meeting (Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne)2002 Annual Meeting (Indiana University East)2001 Annual Meeting (St. Joseph’s College)2000 Annual Meeting (University of Evansville)1999 Annual Meeting (Manchester College)1998 Annual Meeting (University of Indianapolis)1997 Annual Meeting (Indiana University Southeast)